
If you purchase a traditional balsa model airplane

Now to know more about balsa wood. Firms such as Guillows are recognized as a famous manufacturer of regular kits uses pieces that are created from balsa wooden. Your dedicated components like wing ribs and fuselage formers are made from sheets of balsa whilst balsa strips make what's left of the construction. Thin modeling grade balsa is also employed within several vital regions of a model plane like engine bulkheads and landing equipment plates. The primary reason behind the recognition of balsa as a materials might be ascribed to the indisputable truth that it has a glorious bodyweight to durability proportion.
The Balsa Remote controlled model plane kits feature a strategy that is typically laid out on a flat board. You want to adhere to the plan on every step to correctly construct the airplane and to attach the necessary components like wings, tail, fuselage et al. After this really is complete then arrives the most important job of covering the components with a heat delicate piece of plastic.
You'll be able to attach the film onto the components using an iron. The film stays to the balsa with the assistance of an adhesive coating and this softens due to temperature. A soldering iron is then utilized to reduce the scale of the film. But this really is a more modern day approach. If you purchase a traditional balsa model airplane you will find it's covered with light-weight tissue paper and banana oil. These days you will find this strategy in those versions which are copy of the vintage planes. In this way the model looks standard too. With changing times we have seen model aeroplanes being built from foam, plastic, fiberglass not to mention the, balsa.
In the last 10 years or so the admiration for Remote control RTF ( Ready to fly ) and ARF ( Just about prepared to fly ) have risen consistently. NexStar Select 46 is an extremely popular model which has helped lure numerous folks into Remote control model airplane flying.The reklated article go to http://www.balsafactory.com/.


Where does Balsa Wood come from?

By this article to more about the balsa wood. Model airplanes are no different than any other type of flying machine, large or small — THE LIGHTER IT IS BUILT, THE BETTER IT WILL FLY! With that in mind, it is easy to understand why balsa wood has been the standard material for model airplane construction since it first became readily available in the U.S. in the late 1920s. Its outstanding strength-to-weight ratio enables hobbyists to construct durable models that fly in a totally realistic manner. Balsa also absorbs shock and vibration well and can be easily cut, shaped, and glued with simple hand tools.
Model airplanes are no different than any other type of flying machine, large or small - THE LIGHTER IT IS BUILT, THE BETTER IT WILL FLY! With that in mind, it is easy to understand why balsa rectangle has been the standard material for model airplane construction since it first became readily available in the U.S. in the late 1920's. Its outstanding strength-to-weight ratio enables hobbyists to construct durable models that fly in totally realistic manner. Balsa also absorbs shock and vibration well and can be easily cut, shaped, and glued with simple hand tools.
Where does Balsa Wood come from?
Balsa trees grow naturally in the humid rain forests of Central and South America. Its natural range oeicoqmb extends south from Guatemala, through Central America, to the north and west coast of South America as far as Bolivia. However, the small country of Ecquador on the western coast of South America, is the primary source of model aircraft grade blasa in the world. Blasa needs a warm climate with plenty of rainfall and good drainage. For that reason, the best stands of balsa usually appear on the high ground between tropical rivers. Ecquador has the ideal geography and climate for growing balsa trees. The scientific name for bass polywood  is ochroma lagopus. The word balsa itself is Spanish meaning raft, in reference to its excellent floatation qualities. In Ecquador it is known as Boya, meaning buoy.


How to Work with Balsa

balsa wood was first used during World War I as a substitute for cork. During this period, life rafts and armor plates were constructed of balsa. In World War II, balsa use was upgraded for the making of airplanes. It became the primary material for the famous British de Havilland Mosquito combat airplane.
Apart from being lightweight and durable, balsa wood also has the ability to float, which makes it an ideal material for surfboards and other water sports equipment. Another popular use for balsa lumber is model kits, usually that of airplanes. Again, because the material is light, model airplanes constructed from balsa generally perform better than its other counterparts. Doll houses and the miniature furniture that accompany them are also routinely made out of balsa. The same is true for stage furniture and other props. The other parts of the balsa tree are used for insulation, stuffing, sound-absorption and packing.
Before hacking into the wood, one must have a ta3zwdkv clear plan as to what the end product would be. When manipulating balsa, it is important to be careful because, as said earlier, its price is quite high, so waste is something to avoid. Another thing to bear in mind is to choose the right type of balsa for a particular project. This will ensure the quality of the wood used for the endeavor.
In order to manipulate balsa wood for whatever purpose, the necessary tools should be on hand. While it is relatively soft and easy to carve and shape, using the proper equipment would make the job more accurate. In addition, the wood is also quite expensive, and the chances of improper handling are lessened with the right gadgets. No need for power tools or saws – for the most part, four or five precision knives are all that is needed. It is also more convenient to keep replacement blades around. Sanding blocks are also necessary tools to smooth out the wood.
The bottom line is that balsa wood is a great lightweight material of great strength that has many valuable uses and applications, it should be strongly considered when deciding upon your choice of wood.If you want to know more about balsa sheet , you can go to our wesite right now.


when you attempt to design your own glider

Now an article about designing balsa wood glider. There are many factors that come in to being when you attempt to design your own glider. There is the wing shape, the wing size, the wing placement and the tail size. In this section I will attempt to summarize the major points of design so you can successfully design and build your own glider.
Materials: The materials of a plane are one of the most important factors. Since this glider we are building is going to be relatively small I recommend a light but stiff material. Two good choices are high grade balsa wood or heavy oak paper. If you use the balsa wood it may be necessary to be more concerned with the weight of your plane. You will also need something to hold the plane together, I found that model wood glue worked well for balsa wood an plain old glue is fine for paper. It is important that in construction we don't use to much glue because glue is heavy and it will weigh down your glider.
Design: The first major step in designing your glider is determining the wings shape and size. I recommend a simple rectangular wing shape this shape makes for the easiest calculations later. The wing size and shape also play a major role in determining the dimensions of the rest of the plane.
The first calculation is for determining the size of the horizontal stabilizer. This equation is: SH=(1.2) times S(T) divided by DCG. Now, before you panic let me explain. SH= The surface area for the horizontal stabilizer(cm. sq.). S=Main wing surface area (cm. sq.). T=Chord length of main wing (cm.). DCG=Distance from center of gravity to the horizontal stabilizer (cm.). So, basically the horizontal stabilizer is equal to the wing area times the chord divided by the distance from the center of gravity times 1.2. Now enter your ideal numbers into this calculation, nvktazrew my guess is that you will find that you tail is to big for you liking. The best way to fix this is to reduce the length of you cord and make the wings longer from end to end to preserve enough surface area.
The next step in the design is to determine the size of the vertical stabilizer. This equation is SV=S times SP divided by DCG times .05. S and DCG are the same as above. SP= the wing span SV=surface area of vertical stabilizers. The surface area of the vertical stabilizer generally does not pose a problem.
Once you have your numbers and sizes all worked out you can begin construction.
Wings: The wings, once they are cut out must be curved slightly so Bernoulli's principle can work. After you have them shaped (paper you can just bend, balsa wood has to be braced in the curved position and left over night) place them on top of the body so that the center of gravity is about a quarter of the total wing cord in from the leading edge. Make sure also that the wings have a dihedral of about 5-15 degrees. The wings should also have a angle of attack of about 2 degrees. After this place the vertical and horizontal stabilizers as your calculations determine. They should both be flat with no up down or left right angle in them.By the way , we offer you large number ofbass polywood  ,you can take a look.


3 kinds of balsa wood grian

Balsa Wood Grain
All know that balsa wood is different from the other wood, but how much do you know about this kind wood.Balsa wood is unique from all other woods. Its properties make it valuable to bridge builders, wood carvers, surfers, and many others. Bridge builders have to be careful, however, when using Balsa. You can’t simply pick up two pieces of Balsa with the same dimensions lktjic2do and expect them to perform the same. Learn what to look for in this article.
Not all pieces of Balsa wood are equal. Besides having different densities (strength), Balsa wood also has different grain structures. What is a grain structure? Take a look at these pictures. Click for a closer view.
B grain Balsa wood lies somewhere in between A and C.
A grain Balsa wood has long fibers across the entire length of the sheet. Pieces like this are the best type for tension members. You should make sure that the grain goes straight across the piece of wood, and doesn’t go on an angle. C grain balsa rectangle wood is better for compression members. C grain is more stiff than A grain.
It is easy to tell the difference between the grain types when you are looking a full sheet of Balsa wood. But it isn’t so easy with a small square or rectangle piece. That is another reason to cut your own strips of balsa wood . Buy the way the balsa round offered in our store are all with high quality and cheap price.

A Description Of Wood For Hardwood Panels

There are many types of woods used in making hardwood panels. Some hardwoods tend to be harder and more expensive than the softwood. One good example of a hardwood that is not very hard is Balsa, which is used in making model planes. Hardwoods are sawn to the size the customer specifies. They can be machined into panels, dowels, beading, and more.
Beech tree is a straight-grained hardwood. It has a fine texture and light color. It is one of the toughest hardwoods in the industry, thus it is ideal in manufacturing toys, tool handles, and furniture. They can be bashed around and used often. Also, the beech tree is easy to work with.
Oak is another hardwood. It is really strong and has light color. It is also open grain and hard to work with. However, when treated, it can really look classy and elegant. Generally, it is used for high class furniture, panels, boats, beams in buildings, and veneers.
Mahogany is an easy to work with type of hardwood. It is reddish brown in color and really expensive. vpthaumrg Among its uses are expensive indoor furniture, bars, veneers, and shop fittings.
Teak, too, is a hardwood. It is also oily and golden brown in color. It is known for its high-resistance to moisture and outdoor weather. Teak hardwood is commonly used in manufacturing outdoor furniture, boat building, laboratory furniture, and equipment. But it can be used to make hardwood panels.
As mentioned at the outset, the balsa is a hardwood, but not very hard. It is among the softest hardwood in the market. Its color ranges from gray to white, and has a distinct velvety feel. Moreover, it has impressive strength to weight. Besides model airplanes, balsa hardwood is also used in making model building or subdivision construction.
Hard Maple tree has its famous sap turned into syrup. While the sapwood color ranges from cream to reddish brown, the hardwood itself varies from light to dark brown with red highlights. Sometimes, it has fine grain. Other times, it has wavy grain. It is 15% harder than Oaks and is subject to a medium degree of changes in color such as creamy white to golden in time.
Hardwood panels can also be made from Red Oak, North Americas most famous species for floorings. Its color is from pink to reddish brown, and it has a straight grain. It is hard and durable. Over time, it undergoes changes in color such as light amber of pink or tan to brown.
Rosewood is among the most beautiful hardwood species. It is preferred for decorative veneers, instruments, furniture, cabinets, and floors. Its color ranges from brown to deep purple with black highlights.
Beautiful and versatile-these are two characteristics of a Cherry wood. It is a fine-figured wood and has a straight grain. Its color varies from dark to reddish color as it ages. It is 25% softer than Oak.
Walnut, a dark and exclusive wood, is among the types used in making hardwood panels. Its color is from light brown to dark chocolate, and sometimes purple. It gains luster as it ages and has a straight graining. It is 20% softer than Oak. For more, the related article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.



There is no such thing as entire forests of balsa trees. They grow singly or in very small, widely scattered groups in the jungle. For hundreds of years, balsa was actually considered a weed tree. They reproduce by growing hundreds of long seed pods, which eventually open up and, with the help of the wind, scatter thousands of new seeds over a large area of the jungle. Each seed is airborne on its own small wisp of down, similar to the way dandelion seeds spread. The seeds eventually fall to the ground and are covered by the litter of the jungle. a
There they lay and accumulate until one day there is an opening in the jungle canopy large enough for the sun's rays to strike the jungle floor and start the seeds growing. Wherever there is an opening, made either by a farmer or by another tree dying, balsa will spring up as thick as grass. A farmer is often hard put to keep his food plot clear of balsa. As the new balsa trees grow, the strongest will become predominate and the weaker trees will die. By the time they are mature, there may be only one or two basa trees to an acre of jungle.
Balsa trees grow very rapidly (like all pesky weeds). Six months after germination, the tree is about 1-1/2 inches in diameter and 10 - 12 feet tall. In 6 to 10 years the tree is ready for cutting, having reached a height of 60 to 90 feet tall and a diameter of 12 to 45 inches. If left to continue growing, the new wood being grown on the outside layers becomes very hard and the tree begins to rot in the center.
 Unharvested, a balsa tree may grow to a diameter of 6 feet or more, b1giodhxr but very little usable lumber can be obtained from a tree of this size. The basla leaf is similar in shape to a grape leaf, only a lot bigger. When the tree is young, these leaves measure a much as four feet across. They become progressivly smaller as the tree grows older, until they are about 8 - 10 inches across. Balsa is one of the few trees in the jungle which has a simple leaf shape. This fact alone makes the balsa tree stand out in the jungle. The more related article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.


do you want to make a kite with balsa wood

Nothing's more frustrating than constructing a kite, only to watch it blow apart in a good, stiff wind. Build a kite using superior materials, to ensure it will hold up in the most challenging weather conditions. balsa wood, grown primarily in Ecuador, is lightweight and very strong -- the perfect material for a kite frame. Silk paper is made with silk fibers interwoven with paper, so it will not rip easily and makes an excellent sail for a kite. Create a kite with silk paper and balsa wood that will last through years of kite-flying fun.
Cut the dowel rods to the required lengths -- making one inches long; one inches; two inches; and two inches.
Smooth the rough edges of the dowel rods with sandpaper. Intersect the -inch rod with the -inch rod -- inches from the top of the longer rod. Wrap floral wire around the rods' center to secure -- twisting it firmly around both.
Glue the -inch rods to the crossed rods' ends, to form the top angled sides of the kite. Glue the -inch rods to form the bottom angles of the kite. Hold the corners in place with four clamps, and allow at least hours for the glue to dry.
Lay a sheet of silk paper at least -by- inches on a flat work surface. Place the kite frame on the paper. Trace around the kite's frame on the paper. Then measure inch beyond the first outline on all sides, and create a second outline of the kite that's inch larger than the first one drawn.
Cut along the larger pattern line. Line one side of the paper with a bead of fabric glue, along one edge. Wrap the paper edge tightly around the corresponding dowel. Hold in place to set.
Repeat the gluing process for each side of the kite. Tie a -inch length of string around the rod intersection at both sides. Tie the ends of the string together, and form a knot. Tie this knot to the end of a roll of kite string, and catch a breeze.
The more related article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.


Building a model of the Trojan Horse from balsa wood

The story of the Trojan Horse is one of the most celebrated incidents in ancient Greek legend. After years of struggle without victory, the Greek army, which had been besieging Troy, left behind a large wooden model of a horse. The Trojans accepted this as an offering, little suspecting that the wooden horse contained Greek soldiers. Building a model of the Trojan Horse from balsa wood is a fun and creative way to recreate this exciting scene.
Sketch out a rough design for your Trojan Horse. Artists' depictions of the horse vary. In some versions, it has wheels, while in others it has none. In some versions, it is a detailed sculpture of a horse, while in others it is simply a wooden model with the general shape of a horse. Use your own creativity in designing your horse.
Build a base for your model from a flat sheet of balsa wood. This will give you a stable base on which to build your legs. If your model has wheels, make them from discs of balsa wood with a dowel as an axle. Drill holes in four short pieces of balsa wood and glue them to the sides of the base, two on each side. Pass the axles through the holes before fitting the wheels to the axle.
Glue four balsa wood uprights to the base to serve as legs. You can make these from single large pieces of wood or, to create a more plank-like appearance, glue several smaller lengths together with cyanoacrylate glue or wood glue. Measure the legs carefully to make sure that they are all the same length. You may need to hold the wood in place with rubber bands or masking tape while the glue dries.
Place a flat piece of balsa wood across the tops of all four legs. Cut it to shape with a craft knife so that it is slightly wider than the area of the four tops of the legs and extends for some distance to the front and rear. Glue it into place to form the base of the horse's body.
Cut six slightly curved sections of balsa wood and fit them firmly onto the sides of the body base, three to each side. These will be the ribs of the horse, one of the few details described by the poet Virgil. For extra stability, you may want to use small nails or pins to attach these pieces.
Cut a large solid piece of balsa wood to shape to serve as the neck. The neck should be wider and deeper at the base than at the top, curving slightly forward. Cut a block of balsa into this rough shape using a craft knife or saw, sanding it to emphasize the curve. Glue this firmly to the center of the front end of the body base. A similar, shorter post should go at the center rear.
Build an outer "skin" of individual balsa wood planks, using the ribs, neck and tail post as supports. Glue each plank so that it attaches to a post at either end. Glue a row of planks across the top when finished to complete the back of the horse.
Carve a block of balsa wood into the rough shape of a horse's head. Cut a slot at the base of the head big enough to admit the end of the neck and glue the head onto the neck.
Add detail to your model. You can give your model as much or as little detail as you like. You may wish to carve facial detail on the head using a craft knife, make a tail by gluing lengths of partly-unwound twine to the tail post, or scribe detail into the planks using a pointed instrument such as a compass.
The more related information comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.


How to Fly Rubber Band Balsa Wood Airplanes

balsa  wood airplanes originally were manufactured in by Nu Craft Toys. That company eventually became the Paul K. Guillow Co., named for its owner, and now is part of BrandlandUSA's Nifty Science Brands, which includes Estes Rockets and Revell Models, as well as Chemcraft and Gilbert chemistry sets. Many children have played with balsa wood airplanes over the years. They are easy to assemble, easy to use, and they make a safe backyard toy that all ages can enjoy.
Use scissors to open the plastic bag containing the balsa wood airplane. The plane's vtgpqhzlegz parts are fragile and trying to tear open the bag often results in broken pieces.
Follow the simple instructions and assemble the plane. It should take no more than a couple of minutes.
Go to an open space you can use as your flight area. Remember that trees can be very hazardous to a balsa wood airplane, as well as cement. A clear backyard or an open field works best.
Wind the rubber band, which powers the balsa wood airplane, as tightly as possible.
Aim the plane slightly upward and in the direction you want it to fly, and let it go.
Tips & Warnings
Balsa wood planes often fly farther than one might think, so keep this in mind when choosing a trajectory.
If you want to know more about the lightweight balsa wood, the related article comes from our website http://www.balsafactory.com/ .


Make a Kite With Balsa Wood

Nothing's more frustrating than constructing a kite, only to watch it blow apart in a good, stiff wind. Build a kite using superior materials, to ensure it will hold up in the most challenging weather conditions. balsa wood, grown primarily in Ecuador, is lightweight and very strong -- the perfect material for a kite frame. Silk paper is made with silk fibers interwoven with paper, so it will not rip easily and makes an excellent sail for a kite. Create a kite with silk paper and balsa wood that will last through years of kite-flying fun.
Cut the dowel rods to the required lengths -- making one inches long; one inches; two inches; and two inches.
Smooth the rough edges of the dowel rods with sandpaper.ktjcdalkd  Intersect the -inch rod with the -inch rod -- inches from the top of the longer rod. Wrap floral wire around the rods' center to secure -- twisting it firmly around both.
Glue the -inch rods to the crossed rods' ends, to form the top angled sides of the kite. Glue the -inch rods to form the bottom angles of the kite. Hold the corners in place with four clamps, and allow at least hours for the glue to dry.
Lay a sheet of silk paper at least -by- inches on a flat work surface. Place the kite frame on the paper. Trace around the kite's frame on the paper. Then measure inch beyond the first outline on all sides, and create a second outline of the kite that's inch larger than the first one drawn.
Cut along the larger pattern line. Line one side of the paper with a bead of fabric glue, along one edge. Wrap the paper edge tightly around the corresponding dowel. Hold in place to set.
Repeat the gluing process for each side of the kite. Tie a -inch length of string around the rod intersection at both sides. Tie the ends of the string together, and form a knot. Tie this knot to the end of a roll of kite string, and catch a breeze.
The realted article comes from http://www.balsafactory.com/.

when will you learn to make balsa wood airplane ?

Creating a Balsa wood plane is a crafting project which has the enjoyable result of a fun toy which can be played with. While you can purchase kits with all of the parts already cut, you can also create your own balsa wood plane from scratch, needing only the wood, a knife and a plastic nose propeller clip.
Draw a a body piece on the balsa wood sheet, in the shape you wish your plane to be. The plane should be roughly to inches long, and to inches high, with a narrowed nose in front. You must also mark off a notch in the back of the body, a half inch deep and as tall as the width of the sheet (approximately / inch) for the rear fin, and a slot in the center of the body for the wings that is about inches wide.
Draw a rear fin that is about an inch deep, and about to inches wide. If desired, you can taper the rear fin, so it is narrower up front where it enters the body piece, and only reaches the full width in the rear. Mark off a notch, similar to the notch in the body, in the center of the front of the fin.
Draw the wings so that they are as long as the body piece, and as wide as the center slot cut into the body piece. Like the fin, you may choose to taper off the wing slightly, with the widest portion facing backwards.
Use the crafting knife to cut out the pieces of wood you have drawn.
Insert the tail fin into the body of the plane by aligning the notches and pushing the two together. The fin will run perpendicular to the body, with the flat sides running parallel the ground when thrown.
Insert the wings by sliding the wing piece through the slot cut into the body, and centering the wings. If cut properly, it should be a snug fit.
Slide the propeller clip onto the front of your plane and it is ready to throw.
By the way we offer you large amounts of balsa wood  with different shapes and size, if you want to know more, to visite our website  http://www.balsafactory.com/products/ right now.


Use a basic rig with a Balsa float

Floats are used in conjunction with other tackle to assemble a rig for presenting a bait or a lure to fish. Because of its buoyant properties, balsa wood is a traditional and often-used material for floats. A float is rigged so that the hook or lure is presented at a specific water depth where fish are suspended or feeding. Use a basic rig with a Balsa float for your next fishing trip.
Insert the end of your fishing line through a /-inch diameter tube. Slide the tube feet up from the end of the line. Bring the line up and down through the center of the tube once again to make it a semi-stationary float stop.
Slide a plastic or glass bead onto the line below the float stop. Insert the end of the fishing line through the center of a sliding balsa float. Push the float up the line to the bead.
Place a /-oz. sliding egg weight on the line below the bead. Start with a /-oz. weight; adjust the weight up or down, based on fishing conditions and personal preference.
Place another bead on the line below the weight. Attach a barrel swivel to the end of the line with a uni knot. Moisten the knot with water or saliva and pull it tight against the eye of the swivel.
Cut a length of monofilament line from a filler spool to use as a leader. Attach one end of the leader to the barrel swivel with a uni knot. Attach the free end of the leader with a uni knot to the hook or lure of your choice.
Adjust the float stop on the line based on the depth at which the hook or lure should be presented. Slide the stop up the line to present the rig deeper in the water; slide it down the line to suspend the rig at a shallower depth.
At last, if you want to know more ,you can visit our website blog here: http://www.balsafactory.com/news/.


you can also use balsa wood to build a model Truss bridge at home

Bridges are complex structures that are marvels of science and engineering. They have forces to counteract, including standing up under their own weight. The Truss bridge design is a common bridge style that makes use of triangular trusses to hold the base of the bridge together. Although students make models of Truss bridges out of surprisingly light and strong Balsa wood in physics classes across the country, you can also use balsa wood to build a model Truss bridge at home.
Diagram the bridge on your grid paper, using the grid squares as a guide. To make a scale model of a bridge, using grid-square to represent 0 square-feet at actual size, and square-inch at model size will give you a good scale for the design. A truss bridge usually has the flat base of the bridge and a trapezoidal arch across the top, to which the trusses are connected. Draw the trusses in as well. Make several copies of the diagram, and draw it from a few angles--like the side, top and /-rotational view.
Using a side diagram, imagine how the forces will act on the bridge as something crosses it. Some of your trusses will be pulled and others will be squeezed, so make sure these parts are prepared for that kind of force. Draw arrows at the nodes (points where trusses meet the bridge base) and imagine how those arrows will pull all parts of the bridge. Make any changes necessary based on this diagram. See the "building bridges" resource for a clearer, more scientific picture of how these forces will act.
Measure and mark the two base pieces of the bridge, and the arched top pieces. Ideally, these should all be single, continuous pieces of balsa wood--if not, make extra pieces to splint together. Cut these pieces out, taking care not to mash the wood while cutting--damaging the fibers can weaken the wood and weaken your bridge.
Measure and cut the arch support beams and a series of pieces to make up the bridge base. Miter them if possible, as a cleaner angle will hold together better.
Glue the base together, and glue the arches together. Hold these pieces tightly together, using masking tape where possible to reinforce the joint while the glue dries.
Measure, mark and cut the outermost set of trusses. There should be four pieces. Glue them in place, and hold until the glue dries.
Repeat step with the next set of trusses, then the next, and so on until you reach the middle.
Leave the bridge to dry overnight. Test the bridge with a light load to see how well it holds up. Make any repairs as necessary. For more you can visit our webiste: http://www.balsafactory.com/.


How To Make Balsa Wood Glider

Following you will know more about the Balsa wood. Balsa, a lightweight and pliable wood from South America, is ideal for a variety of hobby and model-building purposes. However, balsa wood is best known for its featherweight qualities, perfect for the construction of gliders and model airplanes that can actually be flown. There are several options for building an airplane from balsa wood, and, whether built from a kit or made purely from scratch, constructing a glider from balsa wood is relatively easy. In fact, it's possible to produce an airworthy glider within a few hours.
Decide on the type of glider you'd like to build. Choose from two major types of gliders ---those built for speed, and those built with flight duration in mind. Gliders intended to achieve high speed will usually have wings in a triangular, swept-back position, while gliders meant to stay aloft for long durations will have longer, straight-wing configurations.
Prepare the template for the glider you'll be building. If you have purchased a kit, the template nvnwzhiq will already be printed and ready to use. If you're designing the glider yourself, however, draw the shapes of the pieces (wings and tail pieces) on a sheet of standard white paper. Either computer printer paper or sheets from a notebook will be sufficient.
Prepare your work surface. Lay the balsa wood sheets on top of a large cardboard or cork sheet, then place the template sheet over the balsa wood. Use straight pins to hold the template in place over the balsa wood.
Cut the wing and tail pieces from the balsa wood sheets. Cut through the template sheet and into the wood, following the guidelines drawn on the template. When you remove the template paper, the wood components should be cut completely from the larger wood sheet.
Prepare the fuselage, or body, of the glider for assembly. Measure the base width of each wing and tail piece component, then cut corresponding slits and notches in the length of balsa wood that will be the glider's body.
Assemble all of the glider's components. Glue each component onto the glider's body individually, allowing enough time for the connection to dry before attaching another piece. At this point in the building process you can begin to apply penny nose-weights to the glider. Use tape to affix each penny to the nose of the glider.
At last , if you want to know know more about balsa facts and balsa model information ,you can visit our website http://www.balsafactory.com/ in news.


create a balsa skin by joining sheets together

There are various kinds of balsa wood both in domestic and international markets for your selection. And balsa sheet may be required when you make models, like wood aircraft. You'd better create a balsa skin by joining sheets together. However, it requires patience and techniques though it seems quite easy. Your patience and techniques determine your working results actually.
Frankly speaking, balsa wood sheets vary in thickness. It is not a good choice to join countless sheets together at random. You may spend time to match thicknesses and the direction of the bend. Otherwise, you can't ensure the balsa wood skin you provide is perfect or just qualified.
Then, you should press sheets together on a table. You'd better use a razor blade and a straightedge but not a knife to trim the affected edge if the gap is bad. Generally, only the razor blade has the sharp quality that you need. You may use a sandpaper to sand the balsa sheet carefully after you cutting it. It is not necessary to use the razor if the gap between two sheets is minor since a long sanding block is proper.
There are various kinds of glues both in domestic and international markets. You are advised to choose the lacquer masking tape to tape sheets together. Apply the tape in short strips with gaps between, then fill the gaps with more tape. Turn over the balsa skin you've created with the sheets. Keep the first sheet on the table and let the rest hang from the edge. Well, it opens up the first join and you should glue along the join with glue. Pull your sheet onto the table as far as the next join and fill it with glue. Now, you see, you should repeat the process until you glue all the joins. Then use a knife to remove the excess glue.
It may cost two hours for the glue to dry. You should remove the tape and ensure that there is no tape residue on the balsa skin. There will be a warp on the finished skin of the balsa sheet. Don't worry. You can spray some ammonia water to restore the original shape.
Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong Industry is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood and balsa sheet. We have great reputation among consumers for our high quality and dependable credibility. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website: www.balsafactory.com

Balsa tree have the special history

Do you know the balsa trees?They have the special history and are widely used by us. In the modern life,the trees are already plant and founded in various sizes and types. Details following.
You have heard the trees such as balsa that have been widely used in the construction fields,haven't you? They are light enough for use and have the functions that can't be achieved by other trees. In the current life,we have more requirements about the tools and substances around us. When it comes to construction and building,the materials are proved and checked seriously.
Nowadays,the light woods are usually used in our daily life. If you pay attention to the chairs and desks used in the old times,you will find that they are mostly made by wood. The balsa and other trees are the main raw materials and have a long history. Not only the previous times but also the current days,the wood is popular among us owing to their light weight features.
Do you know that the balsa wood is not the top lightest one in the world actually. However,they are durable and suitable for the construction work. And they are flexible to be cut and manufactured to the wanted patterns easily. The model planes and airport kits as well as the bridges that are common seen in our daily life are made from the wood. Besides,the light weight woods are very environmentally friendly. So we often use them according to the environmental and ecologic protection policy.
Comprehensive consideration of the features and advantages of the balsa trees,the woods are the welcomed material and construction necessary. If you like surfing the Internet and happen to have a requirement,you can login in the website:www.balsafactory.com for more information. You will find them in different patterns and types as well as the specifications. Most importantly,the after-sale service is rather good and the products' price is competitive. If you want to know more about balsa wood, you can visit our website: http://www.balsafactory.com/.


Balsa wood is used in modeling

Balsa wood is used in modeling because it is lightweight, inexpensive, easy to cut, and easy to work with. However, balsa wood is not easy to paint because it is a spongy material and absorbs the paint. This does not mean that balsa wood shouldn’t be painted, but that balsa wood takes a little more work to paint than materials such as plastic or other woods.
Use the sandpaper to sand the balsa wood model until it is smooth on all surfaces.
Use a sealer, such as a sanding sealer, to prep the wood for painting. This will help keep the paint from being absorbed by the balsa wood. Allow time for the sealer to dry.
Paint the balsa wood model from the darkest colors to the lightest colors. For example, bkqsfahq if the base of your model will be black with some lighter-colored accents, paint the entire model black first, then add the lighter-colored accents on top of the black paint. Allow each coat of paint to dry before adding another.If you want to know more about balsa information , you can visit our website: http://www.balsafactory.com/.

balsa wood have different living habitats

The balsa wood and basswood are very popular among consumers and both of them can be used to make crafts actually. However, they are two different kinds of balsa wood which have different living habitats. Generally the basswood is native to North America, while the balsa tree is native to South America.
Balsa wood can be regarded as the ideal choice for making model, while bass wood is native to North American and it can be regarded as the ornamental landscape tree. Balsa wood is known for its light weight and buoyancy. As we have introduced in our previous articles, balsa wood is relatively lightweight. It is well known for its lightweight. Well, basswood is also very lightweight and it is well known for its texture and grain too.
They differ greatly on their uses. For example, the most common use of balsa woos is to make model or surfboard, or fishing float actually. While the basswood is mainly used for furniture and wood-carving projects. Balsa wood is lightweight and can be shaped into wings and other components for model aircraft that are light enough to fly. The balsa wood has straight grain, so it can be painted to look like any item. While basswood is famous for its texture which allows the basswood to be formed with carving knives into any shape. What's more, the basswoods lacks taste, so it can be used for musical instruments and wooden cooking utensils. There are various kinds of other uses actually.
Interesting! The seeds of balsa tree can be used as the filling for life vests and jackets in the past actually. Well, the basswood tree is called the bee tree since it can attract various kinds of insects, especially bee. The basswood honey is very popular among consumers actually and it has been regarded as the premium product.
Also, the balsa wood can be widely used by crafters to make their favorite crafts, models and so forth. It is little cheaper actually since the balsa tree grows very fast. Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong Industry is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood. We have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad for high quality and competitive price. To know more about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website: www.balsafactory.com


Balsa wood is very popular among consumers

Balsa wood is very popular among consumers both in industrial areas and in our daily life. Balsa wood is famous for its lightweight and soft advantages. It can be easy to work with. Balsa wood is the ideal choice if you want to whittle wood, especially for those starter or learner who want to whittle wood. Frankly speaking, whittling is the simple removal of pure shaving or cutting small bits from a piece of wood with a knife.
What should you prepare if you want to become a good whittler? There are many things that should be taken into your consideration. For example, you should choose the right wood and proper knife, the basic whittling techniques, the maintenance and storage methods and skills.
First of all, you should choose the proper wood. Frankly speaking, soft wood is the best choice. Balsa wood is famous for its lightweight, softness and easy to work with. So, it should be your ideal choice to whittle. Although pine is easily to cut, it is not able to hold details well. Although birch, cedar and maple are used for whittling, they are not belong to soft wood. You should choose the balsa wood with a straight grain and uniform color. A straight grain is usually a softer wood than crossed grains. Changes in color mean changes in hardness.
Second, you should know how to choose the proper knife. One of the best factors for choosing whittling knife is to take consideration whether it is comfortable or not. You are advised to avoid stainless steel knives since it is not easy to sharpen them correctly. There are various kinds of whittling knives that fit in the palm of your hand. Some knives can be opened with one hand to make it very comfortable and easy to work with. You should test the knife to see whether it is easy to operate with.
Third, whittle balsa wood . You are advised to wear gloves to avoid cutting your hands or fingers. You should be careful to keep all fingers and other body parts away from knife edges actually. Your thumb should be against the spine with the edge facing your fingers. Ensure that the hand holding the knife should be further from your body than the hand holding the piece of wood.


balsa wood is very popular

As we have introduced in our previous articles, balsa wood is very popular among consumers for its lightweight, easy to work with and soft etc. The balsa wood is cut from rain forest trees in Central America. As the tropical tree, balsa tree grows very fast. Although balsa is light in weight, the weight of balsa wood differs greatly. The balsa wood can weigh differently from 4 pounds to 24 pounds per cubic. Generally speaking, the lighter the weight of balsa wood, the higher it will cost.
Use light and extra light balsa to build airworthy model airplanes. You'd better use balsa wood weighing less than 10 pounds per cubic actually. As we have introduced above, the price of balsa is differnt for its weight. What's more, the prices of the ungraded balsa and the contest grade are different actually. Generally, the contest grade balsa wood cost more since it weighs only six pounds or less per cubic.
Different kinds of situations or works call for different kinds of balsa wood. For example, you should use the balsa wood weighing more than 14 pounds per cubic foot or 19 pounds per cubic foot to build weight-bearing components of model bridges and model railroad actually. Such kind of balsa wood is more expensive and difficult to be found.
Balsa wood, as we have introduced in our previous articles, balsa wood also can be used to make fishing lures and floats, sculptures and so forth. The balsa wood should be different from 10 to 14 pounds per cubic foot.
Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood. We supply high-qualified balsa wooden raw materials as well as related industrial products, like balsa sheet, balsa rectangle, flexible panel and so forth. We have great reputation among consumers for high quality and competitive price. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website: http://www.balsafactory.com


Leaning How To Make Balsa Wood Bucket

Balsa is soft and easy to work with and it can be used to make bucket actually. Balsa wood bucket will make delightful yard decorations as flower planters since it can be used to plant flowers or grasses to add beauty and charm to your garden. There are various kinds of wooden buckets both in domestic and international markets for your selection and they may be made of different kinds of wood. Here, we will tell you how to make balsa wood bucket.
First of all, prepare what you will need. For example, prepare table saw, 12 1-by-2-by-10-inch balsa boards, 1/2-inch drill bit, drill, wood glue, damp rag, Two 1/2-by-38-inch copper bands, copper nails, hammer, 3/4-by-12-by-12-inch balsa board , pencil, jigsaw, 16-inch section of 3/8-inch rope, and so forth. And you are advised to wear eye protection when woodworking.
Second, set up the table saw to make a cut about 15 degrees. Make this kind of cut on both 10-inch edges of the 1-by-2-by-10-inch balsa boards, which will become the bucket sides. The 15-degree cut will allow them to come together to from the rounded bucket shape.
Third, you are advised to use the drill and the 1/2-inch bit and drill a hole through one end of two of the 1-by-2-by-10-inch balsa boards. And the rope will go through these holes.
Fourth, form a rounded shape by placing all of the 1-by-2-by-10-inch balsa boards together. Place the two boards with holes in them across from each other. Apply wood gule to the edges of each board where they will form a joint. Use the ratchet clamps to clamp the bucket sides together . Use the damp rag to wipe off any excess glue and allow the glue to dry according to instructions on the glue container. You are advised to do it by following our instructions actually.
Fifth, wrap one of the 1/2-by-38-inch copper bands 3 inches from the top and the other 3 inches from the bottom of the bucket sides. The function of the bands is for decoration on the buckets. Use copper nails and hammer to fasten the bands in place.
Last but not least, put the bucket side assembly on top of the 3/4-by-12-by-12-inch balsa board. Use a pencil to trace around the bottom of the assembly. Use the jigsaw to cut out the pencil line and this piece will become the bottom of the bucket. Use the copper nails and hammer to fasten the bucket bottom to the sides. To form the bucket handle, thread the 16-inch section of the 3/8 inch rope through the 2 holes in the top of the sides. You are advised to tie a knot on each end to secure the rope to the bucket.
Frankly speaking, Shanghai Synhong is one of the leading suppliers of balsa wood . We have great reputation among consumers both at home and abroad for high quality and competitive price. To find more detailed information about our products and services, you are advised to visit our website: www.balsafactory.com


Balsa lumber is very soft and light

Balsa lumber is very soft and light, with a coarse, open grain. The density of dry balsa wood ranges from 40–340 kg/m³ (2.5–21 lb/ft³), with a typical density of about 160 kg/m³ (10 lb/ft³).The light weight of the wood derives from the fact that the tree has large cells that contain water. After the water is driven off in an extended drying process (kiln dried for two weeks), the large surface area of the resulting holes gives strength.
 Unlike dry rotted wood, the surface is made of the usual strong cellulose/lignin mix. As it is low-density but high in strength, balsa is a very popular material to use when making light, stiff structures in model bridge tests, model buildings, and for the construction of model aircraft — especially free flight model aircraft, as well as full-sized light wooden aeroplanes, most famously the World War II de Havilland Mosquito.Balsa is used to make wooden crankbaits for fishing. Sticks of balsa can be used to make crude dip-pens for calligraphy and can be useful when one needs a specific nib-width or structure, when one does not have such metal nibs immediately available.
Balsa wood is often used as a core material in composites; for example, the blades of many wind turbines are made partially of balsa. In table tennis paddles, a balsa layer is typically sandwiched between two pieces of thin plywood. Balsa wood is also used in laminates with glass-reinforced plastic (fiberglass) for making high-quality balsa surfboards and the decks and topsides of many types of boats, especially pleasure craft under 30 m (100 ft) in length.


Balsa wood is easy to carve

Balsa wood is easy to carve because of its lightness and softness. Fans of model makers always use balsa wood as their favourite material to make models, such as planes, bridges, towers and so on. Before you start to make a model, you need to check if you have prepared these tools: X-Acto or carving knife, Straightedge, pencil and 120-grit sandpaper. After preparing these tools, you can follow the simple steps below to make your own model.
Step 1
Decide what you are going to make with the balsa wood . Then, use the pencil to draw your design on the balsa wood. Use the X-Acto knife to cut the design out of the balsa wood. In order to make you model look more beautiful, you can carve the edges of the cut-out design.
Step 2
Place the cut-out design on a level surface and turn it over. Carve the edges around from the center to make a point along the edges. Repeat this process at any area where a curved edge is desired. Insert the tip of the knife into any design elements that do not pass the entire way through the structure, and carve a thin line all the way around each design element.
Step 3
Each balsa design element's edges should be carved. Remove the entire interior of each design element by pulling the edges from the line. Use the 120-grit sandpaper to sand the edges of the design. Smooth the edges by rubbing around the edges. Sand the balsa wood as gently as you can, if not, you may break your design. We can smooth the edges easily since the balsa wood is very soft.