
my experice of fly balsa wood planes

As a full fledged member of the aging (yet never old) baby boomers generation, I have vivid memories of balsa wood gliders from my youth. In a continual example of "hope springs eternal," we would buy a set at least once a year. Every year I've hoped for the same thing. That they would be easy to put together and fly perfectly.
Every year the results were the same. My klutzy fingers would manage to break some part of the plane and there went my flying dream, straight down the tubes!
Recently, when shopping for some fun activities and projects for my grandchildren and kxiugtka me to enjoy, I came across a set of these balsa wood gliders for $1 each. Cheap enough, even for grandparents on a budget. I popped five into my cart along with some other interesting plastic toy airplanes.
Later that day we pulled out the balsa wood gliders and tried to put them together. The grandchilden went first. When they saw the balsa wood start to crack, they quickly handed it all to me. "Help, grandma! They're breaking!" they cried out.
Not surprised, I took each plane gingerly and did my best to gently slide the wings through the slit. Since it has to be tight in order to hold the wing, I guess it's not surprising it's hard to do this correctly. Finally we successfully completed two out of the five I had bought. One of those two balsa wood gliders crashed and broke a little bit later.
Hmmm, seems some things never change! Then again, the other type of planes I bought were just as cheap but worked much better!
We all know that balsa wood is the best wood for our models. but where to get those quality balsa  with reasonable price. Here i highly recommend you a professional online store for the website is http://www.balsafactory.com/.

